Healthcare News
Bankart Shoulder Tear
A Bankart tear is a specific injury to a part of the shoulder joint called the labrum. The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint, similar to the hip; however, the socket of the shoulder joint is extremely shallow, and thus inherently unstable. Being unstable means that the shoulder can more easily come out of the socket.
10 Massages and Stretches for a Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder syndrome occurs when the mobility of your shoulder joint is restricted to the degree that it feels frozen in place. The limited range of motion of your shoulder joint makes it difficult or painful to perform certain movements. To regain mobility, you must create an effective treatment plan involving stretching and massage.
How Is a Rotator Cuff Tear Diagnosed?
A doctor or physiotherapist can use one of more than 25 functional tests during a physical exam to diagnosis a torn rotator cuff. Some of these tests directly indicate a rotator cuff injury and others rule out similar injuries like nerve impingement or torn labrum.
Q&A: Rotator cuff tears—treatment and recovery
Rotator cuff tears happen frequently as people get older, particularly in individuals who engage in activities that require repetitive arm motions.
7 stretching & strengthening exercises for a frozen shoulder
Frozen shoulder (also known as adhesive capsulitis) is a condition in which the shoulder is stiff, painful, and has limited motion in all directions. Frozen shoulder exercises are usually the cornerstone of treating frozen shoulder.