
Your commitment to your rehabilitation is paramount to your success but it is my job to make sure you understand the restrictions and exercises well. This web site is designed with this exact purpose. Your early physical therapy (shoulder injuries) or occupational therapy (wrist or elbow injuries) is designed to safely regain your motion and eventually tone the muscles in a very specific sequence designed to get you back to your active lifestyle.

  • Restrictions are imperative to protect the surgical repair while the tendon or bone heals (usually 2-3 months).
  • Remember, therapy is a thing you do, not a place you go.
  • Your therapy program is designs to be a three times per day home exercise program.
  • Your therapist is a coach who teaches you your exercises and evaluates your form and progress.

Physical Therapy

Shoulder Rehabilitation

Shoulder Range of Motion Video

Elbow Rehabilitation

Finger Range of Motion Video

Standard Elbow Range of Motion Video

Protected Elbow Range of Motion Video

  • Works at
  • Member of
  • orthopaedic traumatology service
  • Health Partners
  • TRIA Orthopaedic Center
  • LakeView Hospital
  • American Shoulder And Elbow Surgeons
  • Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA)
  • AO North America
  • Scapula Institute
  • Minnesota Orthopaedic Society
  • american academy of prthopaedic surgeons
  • TOP DOCTORS 2024
  • ABOS
  • FAAOS-Logo